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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Salutations and Felicitations

Salutations and felicitations.

This blog will serve to host comments and responses when I do not wish to be constrained by the character limits, nor subjected to the spam trap for making multiple posts in order to express myself beyond the character limits, in various other platforms (YouTube, Twitter, &c.).  Those limitations on my expression are asinine.

Verbose?  Life is often more complex than a tweet will allow.

Should I need to respond to someone or something in this manner, the likelihood that I will be annoyed (and the consequent probability that my annoyance will be reflected in the blog post serving as the medium for such response) will not be negligible.

My patience is considerable, but it DOES have limits.  Prudence advises not to test them.

I'm not always a bitch, but I have no reservations about letting that side of me come out when the occasion merits that license.  I do have another blog on a separate account, where my posts are less likely to be uncompromisingly forthright in making my annoyance evident.

This blog may contain other writings as well, should the need or desire arise, and such writings may be more diplomatic than my initial intentions for the purpose of this blog.  Time will tell.

Edit, 2019-01-25:
References for my YouTube videos and livestreams will also be posted here n this blog, since the character liits on the video description are sometimes too restrictive to allow for a full list with links.

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